Wednesday, August 16, 2006



That three words conclude my conditioning training. So this is the key term for anyone to take care off..if you're seriously want to involve in any kind of sport. My coach ask my friend and me to train these key for three months.let see what you need to do to cover all the elemen:

First, the strength.. to do this you need enter the gym world..this is to build up your muscle it bigger and nee to define what kind of sport you're involve,so you know which part of your body that need to be improved or focus on..if you re a long distance runner...then mostly you gym tarining are based on you lower part of body.If you don't know how to operate the machine,please ask the gym trainer.

Second is speed, well this time you need to go to the track. it all about run. but it have few definition of running type...ermmmm i can't recall the of it is jog..then. i forgot the words. Hoever the interesting part is ,you also can use of of gymnasium machine to train and gain you speed you recognize the jogging machine..where people step up on the machine and run on it..well you can increase the level higher this frequently...start from the slow mood and increase it slowly...stop until you feel it too fast..but dont stop running , keep running with that level for 15 -30 second.These will help you to balance the speed and strength for your both foot.cause some people dont have the same level of strength between their two foot. Do it for three suggest you test your speed back on track..i believe you will feel some different on your running motion.

third.The stamina. the hardest part.It combine the track and gymnasium hiking training.there are many way to improve your stamina , mostly the coach ask me to jogging for several laps with the time requipment and it repeat for 10 times..(100m,200m and 400 meter) few people will vomit after the training, and the football coach ask their player to run for 45 minutes non stop..sometimes they got the stamina test.

1 comment:

jeannedarc said...

dat is a reminder for me.. so lazy even to move lately... wen can i have enuf cash to hire a personal trainer?