Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Hasn't your experience taught you what you want?

Have you learnt yet? Of course you have. That's why you come to me, woman, because I point out that you know what you don't want.

So you must be wooed to find out if there is something fundamental between you and the man, something more substantive than physical attraction, something that will be there when eventually he enters your body. There has to be a willingness to be with you. That natural easiness and willingness makes a lovely setting for the gem of physical love to sit within.

If you start off in this way you have much more chance of being honest with each other, because while he's demonstrating that he wants to be with you and truly enjoys being with you, you can talk about God and love, and you can tell him what you want and what you don't want.

And what do you want?

'I only want love — God, truth and beauty. That's what I want. And I'm prepared to die for it. So, for that one want, I will give up all my emotion as fast as I can. To have one want requires me to be honest. But it also requires you — if you want to be my partner and not just dip into me — it requires you to also want that one thing. Because if you don't want that with me, what's the purpose of our being together?'

For that one want . . .

One want is not out of the 'want shop'.


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